Kristofer Strom

Kristofer Strom is a musician and animation illustrator from Sweden. He was reletively unknown until he started uploading his whiteboard works onto youtube and quickly gained a large fan base. He joined Blinkink productions and has now done works proffesionally for companies such as Carphone Wharehouse. I am a fan of his work as he is able to not only create narratives and image based stories out of nothing but he can also place these into other scenarios like his minilouge of animals. The characters he uses are made up or exaggerated and the use of colour and shapes he uses really interests me.

The way he manages to make a normal scene into a surreal and fantasy world in time with the music is down to imagination and being able to portray that with your drawings. Although made up characters are used and it is obviously not real, due to the movement in the animation we can believe it. Therefore when doing my final piece i do not have to restrict myself with making my video out of things that exist and can make up new things if i am required to.

Done on what i believe is a whiteboard this drawing stop animation does not just show the changes in drawings but also him creating and in some instances rubbing them out. This effect is taken further by showing his hands interacting with the drawings and is made to seem like they are changing what we see. Again if it fits with the story being expressed then there is nothing to say why one cant think outside of the box and include these things.

I really like how made up characters clearly designed to be seen as this and nothing more by using bold flat colours and exaggerated shapes, are put not just into a photo of a real scene but a video of one. Quirky little things like putting a small whale into a canal are comical but do fit and as unbelievable as they are you can imagine it happening. Repetition is used in many instances with the different characters movements. This not only saves time creating it but also fits the beat of the song.

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