First of all apolagies for the bad quality of the images as they had to be taken at home for them to be printed out. I have tried to show the various folds within the piece and the way it has been manipulated to create these. The lighting wasnt great and in some cases the true effect is not fully visible but i believe you can still see the folds and twists within the paper and although not enhanced they are certainly visible. I am happy with the final piece although i would have preffered to proffesionally document it with the right equipment and location. Hanging it up was also a problem as the thread i had purchased unfortunately wasnt strong enough and therefore it had to be selotaped on which in some images is clear to see.
However the curves, twists and bends (flexibility) i had wanted to create were managed and have been photographed meaning my final piece met the criteria i set it. In relation to a snake if the stereotypical tongue and eyes were added then i do believe it would be easily recognisable as it is a long and flexible form with repeating scale like folds.
However the curves, twists and bends (flexibility) i had wanted to create were managed and have been photographed meaning my final piece met the criteria i set it. In relation to a snake if the stereotypical tongue and eyes were added then i do believe it would be easily recognisable as it is a long and flexible form with repeating scale like folds.

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